science TV

Do TV Shows Use Legit Science?

How Electromagnetism Rules the Universe | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Skateboards, Shuttlecocks, Diving Boards, & Other Sports Equipment | How It's Made | Science Channel

Crayons, Highlighters, & Other Writing Utensils | How It's Made | Science Channel

All Things Glass! | How It's Made | Science Channel

Open Source Science TV: The Mind of the Universe

Essential Building Blocks & Tools | How It's Made | Science Channel

Was There Once Life on Mars? | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Weird Quantum Mechanics and Multiverses | Space’s Deepest Secrets | Science Channel

Hot Science TV!

Science and Engineering Educational Compilation for Kids - Planets, Airplanes and More!

The Mystery of Earth's Oceans | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

How Luxury Chocolate and Lipstick is Made | How It's Made | Science Channel

The History of the Tuefelsberg Listening Station | Mysteries of the Abandoned | Science Channel

The Logic-Defying Nature of Supermassive Black Holes | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Discover How Ancient Supernovas Created Life | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Collapsed Stars and the Nonexistence of Black Holes? | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Liquid Oceans on Far Away Moons | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

How Coffee, Coffee Machines, Espresso Machines & More Are Made! | How It’s Made | Science Channel

A Crumbling Stairway, Stone Paws and Monolith in Sri Lanka | Secrets in the Jungle | Science Channel

How Fireworks, Apple Pie, Pools & Gas Barbecues Are Made! | How It’s Made | Science Channel

The Demise of the Yekaterinburg Television Tower | Mysteries of the Abandoned | Science Channel

The Puzzling Natures of Neptune and Uranus | How the Universe Works | Science Channel

Toothbrushes, Tweezers, Toilet Paper, & Other Hygiene Products | How It's Made | Science Channel